What Information are Customers Seeking about your Brand/Business | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 15, 2020

When customers discover your business, it’s usually because they are searching for information surrounding the products you sell, or about your business itself.  The questions you must ask yourself are: What are they looking for? Can you provide answers...

How Customers Discover your Brand | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 14, 2020

Getting customers to discover your brand can be both easy and extremely difficult. However, if one avenue isn’t working for you, there are several ways you can get customers to discover your brand below.  Below, we will take a...

What are Citations in SEO? | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 13, 2020

.Citations are simply online references to businesses that feature information about services, business name, address, and phone number. This is known as NAP information (name, address, phone number). Citations are usually a group of individual business listings on various...

How Your Brand Can Avoid Common Site Search Failures | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 12, 2020

The importance of site searching is such a necessary part of user experience on your website. With over 90% of all online experiences beginning with search, this is definitely an area that needs your focused attention. It’s clear that...

How will Citations Clean-up Benefit my Business | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 8, 2020

Consistent citations such as NAP (name, address, and phone number) across all of your listings is an essential part of optimising your local searches. If you change any of your business details, such as your address, or phone number,...

How to get more Local SEO Leads | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 6, 2020

Having a well-thought-out local SEO marketing strategy is necessary for your potential customers to be able to find you on Google’s local search. It has even been suggested that 50-60% of all searches are on mobile devices with 30%...

The Coronavirus Effect on Search and Digital Marketing | Vicinus.ai

Published by admin on October 5, 2020

With a change in consumer activity, there should be a change in marketing strategy. Making sure that you’re on the lookout for opportunities during this time is essential to adapting your marketing strategy during coronavirus. 

Why you NEED Local Citations in 2020 | Vicinus.ai 

Published by admin on October 2, 2020

Building awareness surrounding your business is one of the most overlooked benefits of creating local citations. Customers are trying to find the answers they need by searching for your industry online. Earning links to your website is a very...

Why are Online Reviews so Important for Local SEO? | Vicinus.ai

Published by Daisy on September 28, 2020

Online reviews are increasingly becoming an important part of every business’s marketing strategy.  Now on most platforms and directories, businesses can gather reviews from their customers. Furthermore, today customers are constantly reading and writing online reviews of the businesses...